Our Values and Vision


We will work honestly, openly, diligently, and truthfully in all our endeavours to facilitate the development of property solutions for vulnerable adults.

Value for Money

We will strive to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness from both human and financial resources and ensure investors and stakeholders are rewarded, with suitable returns on their investment.


We will deliver property solutions that are successful in the long term, securing viable homes for those in need for as long as required.


We will comply with appropriate regulatory standards to safeguard stakeholders’ investment, service users well-being and the reputation of AMA Property Group.

Our Vision

AMA Property Group believes in working with partners to deliver high quality property solutions in locations that help create communities for everyone to thrive. Our inclusive approach provides a basis for delivering investment opportunities that provide long term cash flow for investors, and a positive social impact for communities.

AMA Property Group operates in a fast changing, dynamic world, this brings tremendous challenges and great opportunities for the Group. Local Authority Housing Strategies identify that an increasing demand for ethical social investment and the provision of new homes.

With the commitment of social investment and resources we can assign dedicated resources and institutional funding to the social housing sector by providing homes to those most in need.

Specialised Supporting
Housing (SSH)

AMA Property Group believes that vulnerable people have the right to live in a good quality bespoke home with the appropriate supportive care providing improved life chances. Thus leading to enhanced employment opportunities, increased community integration and more independent living.

Our investment partners recognise the creation of social benefits through our model which generates sustainable, stable and commercial returns.

Our flexible and innovative approach ensures AMA Property Group have developed trusted relationships with key delivery partners. These include institutional investors, Commissioners in Local Authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Care Providers and service users.


AMA Property Group are working with our partners in order that we can help deliver high quality accommodation for homeless service users for emergency, interim, and secure housing solutions for Local Authorities and other housing providers.


AMA Property Group pride ourselves on supporting our partners and communities. We would be happy to work with clients interested in developing co living schemes across England to live exclusively with each other.