Our Partners

With our partners the Local Authorities, NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Integrated Care Boards and Housing Associations. We will aim to deliver high quality homes that meets the needs of service users to become their home. We believe the right blend of social impact and commercial investment can work in harmony to benefit vulnerable service users while delivering a low risk positive return for investors.

Each home we create is bespoke, adaptable and tailored to the needs of the people that will reside in the property offering them security of tenure and essentially long-term housing solutions. This gives them the best possible opportunity to live independently or in shared accommodation contributing positively to the community.

We work with a number of reputable Support and Care Providers and social landlords nationally collaborating on commissioned housing solutions for those requiring specialist housing. This can often be adapted properties ranging from bungalows to apartment schemes and shared living. We create homes for those in need whilst providing long-term care and support within the community as required.